Results for 'Horacio Garza Tamez'

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  1.  94
    Impacto de la capacitación en una empresa del ramo eléctrico (Impact of training on an electrical field company).Horacio Garza Tamez, J. L. Abreu & E. Garza - 2009 - Daena 4 (1):194-249.
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    Estética del desvarío en la narrativa latinoamericana contemporánea.Juan Manuel Acevedo Carvajal, Andrea Estefanía Álvarez Orozco & Yenni Zulena Millán Velásquez - 2020 - Revista Disertaciones 9 (1):51-60.
    El objetivo fundamental del presente artículo es la configuración de una constelación de ficciones delirantes en la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea, a partir de la conceptualización del delirio literario y el análisis del proceso de construcción del relato delirante. Dado que, algunos narradores latinoamericanos despliegan ficciones delirantes en nuestros días, y existe un amplio número de casos, en donde el delirio se evidencia en la literatura de nuestro continente, autores como: Mario Bellatin, Roberto Bolaño, Rita Indiana Hernández, Horacio Castellanos Moya, (...)
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    A Letter from Elsa Tamez to all Christians of Latin America and the Caribbean.Elsa Tamez - 2005 - Feminist Theology 14 (1):13-15.
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    A continuación se presenta una lista con los nombres de estos excelentes catedráticos: Profesor Rubén Darío Ramírez Profesor Humberto Díaz Arreozola Profesor Roberto Flores Leal Profesor Efraín Garza Alvarado.Profesora Sandra Ivonne Ramírez Garza, José Luis Valdez & Raymundo Villarreal Sosa - 2008 - Daena 3 (1).
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    Connotation and meaning.Beatriz Garza Cuarón - 1991 - New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
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    Neural decoding of expressive human movement from scalp electroencephalography.Jesus G. Cruz-Garza, Zachery R. Hernandez, Sargoon Nepaul, Karen K. Bradley & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Cross-Validation of the Spanish HP-Version of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy Confirmed with Some Cross-Cultural Differences.Adelina Alcorta-Garza, Montserrat San-Martín, Roberto Delgado-Bolton, Jorge Soler-González, Helena Roig & Luis Vivanco - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  8. How Having a Clear Why Can Help Us Cope With Almost Anything: Meaningful Well-Being and the COVID-19 Pandemic in México.Angelica Quiroga-Garza, Ana C. Cepeda-Lopez, Sofía Villarreal Zambrano, Victor E. Villalobos-Daniel, David F. Carreno & Nikolett Eisenbeck - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 has resulted in an increase in known risk factors for mental health problems. Mexico adopted lockdown and physical distancing as a containment strategy with potential consequences on day to day life, such as social isolation, loss of income and loneliness that can have important consequences in terms of mental health.Objective: We aimed to examine the effect of the initial phases of the COVID-19 pandemic on psychological distress, well-being and perceived physical health among Mexican-base respondents and to (...)
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    Constitutional proportionality and moral deontology.Horacio Spector - 2021 - Jurisprudence 12 (4):512-536.
    I come to grips with the deontological critique of constitutional proportionality that asserts that this doctrine ignores rights and slips into the utilitarian maximisation of societal interests. I...
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  10. First order extensions of classical systems of modal logic; the role of the Barcan schemas.Horacio Arló Costa - 2002 - Studia Logica 71 (1):87-118.
    The paper studies first order extensions of classical systems of modal logic (see (Chellas, 1980, part III)). We focus on the role of the Barcan formulas. It is shown that these formulas correspond to fundamental properties of neighborhood frames. The results have interesting applications in epistemic logic. In particular we suggest that the proposed models can be used in order to study monadic operators of probability (Kyburg, 1990) and likelihood (Halpern-Rabin, 1987).
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  11. Moral cleansing and moral licenses: Experimental evidence.Pablo Brañas-Garza, Marisa Bucheli, María Paz Espinosa & Teresa García-Muñoz - 2013 - Economics and Philosophy 29 (2):199-212.
    Research on moral cleansing and moral self-licensing has introduced dynamic considerations in the theory of moral behaviour. Past bad actions trigger negative feelings that make people more likely to engage in future moral behaviour to offset them. Symmetrically, past good deeds favour a positive self-perception that creates licensing effects, leading people to engage in behaviour that is less likely to be moral. In short, a deviation from a is balanced with a subsequent action that compensates the prior behaviour. We model (...)
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    La inquietud y el sentido: filosofía y vida cotidiana.Horacio Bernardo - 2021 - Montevideo, Uruguay: Paidós.
    Las inquietudes cotidianas particulares -- Las inquietudes cotidianas fundamentales.
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  13. Indice de reales cédulas relativas a Nuevo León, 1651-1820.Israel Cavazos Garza - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  14. Using wikis as collaborative writing tools: Something wiki this way comes–or not.Susan Loudermilk Garza & Tommy Hern - 2005 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 10 (1).
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    Un yacimiento de cazadores-recolectores marinos en la terraza litoral de Bajo Patache, sur de Iquique . Estudio arqueológico-geográfico.Horacio Larrain, Flavia Velásquez F., Pedro Lázaro B., Pilar Cereceda T., Pablo Osses M. & Luis Pérez R. - 2004 - Polis 7.
    El presente artículo presenta los nuevos e importantes descubrimientos en la terraza litoral al pie del oasis de niebla, a partir de Noviembre de 2003, que junto a estudios anteriores conforman un cuadro general bastante completo de los patrones de asentamiento, modus vivendi, costumbres y actividades económicas de los antiguos pobladores costeros del norte de Chile, que reafirman la enorme importancia que adquirió el ecosistema de oasis de niebla costero en el género de vida, tipos de asentamiento y desplazamientos de (...)
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    Educação de, por e para a democracia: a relação meio-fim na filosofia de John Dewey.Horacio Héctor Mercau - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (67):219-241.
    La intensión del presente trabajo es la de explorar la relación medios-fines exponiendo que la misma se presenta en la obra de John Dewey como camino y horizonte coherente y consistente de su propuesta filosófica y educativa. La relación medios-fines dirige la investigación llevándonos a una comprensión del conocimiento como practica evaluativa y transformadora. Esta concepción epistemológica sienta las bases para repensar la educación y la democracia y brinda elementos suficientes para superar las dicotomías pensamiento - emoción, hechos - valores (...)
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  17. La percepción auditiva de la noticia radiofónica.M. Pereira Garza - 1991 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 28.
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  18. Democracy, Rights, and Judicial Review.Horacio Spector - 2003 - Law and Philosophy 22.
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    Ecclesiastes: A Reading from the Periphery.Elsa Tamez - 2001 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 55 (3):250-259.
    Qoheleth speaks most profoundly to men and women most disillusioned with a world governed by efficiency, technology, and profit. To them, the sage offers both an affirmation of faith and a call to value the concrete and the sensuous.
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  20. Two notions of epistemic validity.Horacio Arló Costa & Isaac Levi - 1996 - Synthese 109 (2):217 - 262.
    How to accept a conditional? F. P. Ramsey proposed the following test in (Ramsey 1990).(RT) If A, then B must be accepted with respect to the current epistemic state iff the minimal hypothetical change of it needed to accept A also requires accepting B.
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    Non-adjunctive inference and classical modalities.Horacio Arló Costa - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 34 (5/6):581 - 605.
    The article focuses on representing different forms of non-adjunctive inference as sub-Kripkean systems of classical modal logic, where the inference from □A and □B to □A ∧ B fails. In particular we prove a completeness result showing that the modal system that Schotch and Jennings derive from a form of non-adjunctive inference in (Schotch and Jennings, 1980) is a classical system strictly stronger than EMN and weaker than K (following the notation for classical modalities presented in Chellas, 1980). The unified (...)
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  22.  44
    Corporate Sustainability: Toward a Theoretical Integration of Catholic Social Teaching and the Natural-Resource-Based View of the Firm.Horacio E. Rousseau - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (4):725-737.
    Even though management scholars have offered several views on the process of corporate sustainability, these efforts have focused mainly on the technical aspects of sustainability while omitting the fundamental role played by individual moral competences. Therefore, previous work offers an incomplete and somewhat reductionist view of corporate sustainability. In this article, we develop a holistic framework of corporate sustainability in which both the moral and technical aspects of sustainability are considered. We do so by integrating the ethical, normative perspective of (...)
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    A Pragmatic Reconstruction of Law’s Claim to Authority.Horacio Spector - 2019 - Ratio Juris 32 (1):21-48.
    Raz holds that necessarily all legal authorities, even de facto authorities, make a claim to legitimate authority. He does not say that legitimacy is a necessary property of law. This view, which I call the claim view, constitutes my focal point in this paper. Many commentators have criticized this view. I discuss and dismiss three critiques of the claim view: the verification critique (the claim view is not empirically confirmed), the legalistic critique (law claims legal authority, not moral authority), and (...)
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  24.  19
    Characterization of the Stages of Creative Writing With Mobile EEG Using Generalized Partial Directed Coherence.Jesus G. Cruz-Garza, Akshay Sujatha Ravindran, Anastasiya E. Kopteva, Cristina Rivera Garza & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Two stages of the creative writing process were characterized through mobile scalp electroencephalography in a 16-week creative writing workshop. Portable dry EEG systems with synchronized head acceleration, video recordings, and journal entries, recorded mobile brain-body activity of Spanish heritage students. Each student's brain-body activity was recorded as they experienced spaces in Houston, Texas, and while they worked on their creative texts. We used Generalized Partial Directed Coherence to compare the functional connectivity among both stages. There was a trend of higher (...)
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    A Representation Result for Value-based Contraction.Horacio Arló Costa & Hailin Liu - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (6):965-989.
    Sven-Ove Hansson and Erik Olsson studied in Hansson and Olsson, 103–119 1995) the logical properties of an operation of contraction first proposed by Isaac Levi in Levi. They provided a completeness result for the simplest version of contraction that they call Levi-contraction but left open the problem of characterizing axiomatically the more complex operation of value-based contraction or saturatable contraction. In this paper we propose an axiomatization for this operation and prove a completeness result for it. We argue that the (...)
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    En torno a fronteras e intelectuales: Conceptualizaciones, itinerarios y coyunturas institucionales.Horacio Crespo, Morales Moreno, Luis Gerardo & Mina Alejandra Navarro (eds.) - 2014 - México: Itaca.
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    Elegant case history analysis or original contribution?Horacio Fabrega - 1999 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 6 (2):125-128.
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    Considerations regarding Fogsgaard.Beatriz Garza-Cuarón - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (146).
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    Mejoramiento de la c alidad de servicios mediante el modelo de las discrepancias entre las expectativas de los clientes y las percepciones de la empresa (Improvement of service quality through the discrepancy model between the expectations of the customers and the perceptions of the company).Efraín Garza, M. H. Badii & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (1):1-64.
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    Fundamentalismo e religião da política: uma possibilidade da política como religião.Heiberle Hirsgberg Horácio - forthcoming - Horizonte:1002-1002.
    This article presents arguments that seek to facilitate the understanding that the concept of Political Religion - as well as the authoritarian political experiences represented by it, such as Nazism and Stalinism - can be thought of in conjunction with the concept of fundamentalism. Furthermore, this article also presents possibilities for the concept of Civil Religion - which can also be classified as a Public Religion - even though it is often associated with political experiences considered democratic - such as (...)
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    A gênese estética do “tema Del traidor Y Del héroe” de Jorge Luis Borges.Horacio L. Martinez - 2004 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 16 (19):01.
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    Benedito Nunes, leitor de Clarice Lispector, ou o drama de habitar uma linguagem sitiada.Horacio Luján Martínez - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 25 (37):271.
    A indiscutível riqueza da obra de Clarice Lispector já deu lugar a inúmeras interpretações.Neste ensaio, pretendemos acompanhar a leitura que Benedito Nunes realiza, pensando a literatura da escritora brasileira atravessada por um “centro mimético”. O conceito de mimese, distinguindo-se das concepções clássicas pensadas por Platão e Aristóteles, apontará, na leitura de Nunes, para a dramaticidade vivenciada por meio da linguagem na sua tentativa de falar sobre o mundo e o “eu” que o descreve. Para fins de clareza, analisaremos, com essa (...)
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  33. El genocidio como práctica social.Horacio Luján Martínez - 2009 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 14 (1):211-218.
    Resenha do livro do mesmo título de Daniel Feierstein.
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    La medicina en el Nacional Socialismo: gestiones de oposición profesional.Horacio Riquelme - 2006 - Polis 13.
    La medicina en Alemania durante la época nacionalsocialista constituyó un área social de intensas contradicciones éticas y existenciales. Frente a los crímenes de lesa humanidad, perpetrados” por médicos serviciales al poder y ávidos de reconocimiento, en nombre de una “ciencia de la raza” y de una “guerra total, hubo también actitudes y gestos oponentes de quienes persistieron –con un alto riesgo personal– en mantener una visión humanista de la profesión y su quehacer en la sociedad. Este artículo continúa la exposición (...)
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    Dale on supervenience: Remarks on Hare on supervenience.Horacio Spector - 1987 - Mind 96 (January):93-94.
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    Filosofar desde nuestra América: ensayo problematizador de su modus operandi.Horacio Cerutti Guldberg - 2000 - México: M.A. Porrúa.
  37.  23
    Sickness and healing and the evolutionary foundations of mind and minding.Fabrega Horacio Jr - 2011 - Mens Sana Monographs 9 (1):159.
    Disease represents a principal tentacle of natural selection and a staple theme of evolutionary medicine. However, it is through a small portal of entry and a very long lineage that disease as sickness entered behavioural spaces and human consciousness. This has a long evolutionary history. Anyone interested in the origins of medicine and psychiatry as social institution has to start with analysis of how mind and body were conceptualised and played out behaviourally following the pongid/hominin split and thereafter. The early (...)
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  38. A Defense of the Rights of Artificial Intelligences.Eric Schwitzgebel & Mara Garza - 2015 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 39 (1):98-119.
    There are possible artificially intelligent beings who do not differ in any morally relevant respect from human beings. Such possible beings would deserve moral consideration similar to that of human beings. Our duties to them would not be appreciably reduced by the fact that they are non-human, nor by the fact that they owe their existence to us. Indeed, if they owe their existence to us, we would likely have additional moral obligations to them that we don’t ordinarily owe to (...)
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    Rationality and Value: The Epistemological Role of Indeterminate and Agent-dependent Values.Horacio Arló Costa - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 128 (1):7-48.
    An important trend in contemporary epistemology centers on elaborating an old idea of pragmatist pedigree: theory selection (and in general the process of changing view and fixing beliefs) presupposes epistemic values. This article focuses on analyzing the case where epistemic values are indeterminate or when the sources of valuation are multiple (epistemic values like coherence and simplicity need not order options in compatible ways). According to the theory that thus arises epistemic alternatives need not be fully ordered by an underlying (...)
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    Democracia, una lectura semántica.Horacio Luján Martínez - 2019 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 35 (1).
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    Music reduces pain and increases resting state fMRI BOLD signal amplitude in the left angular gyrus in fibromyalgia patients.Eduardo A. Garza-Villarreal, Zhiguo Jiang, Peter Vuust, Sarael Alcauter, Lene Vase, Erick Pasaye, Roberto Cavazos-Rodriguez, Elvira Brattico, Troels S. Jensen & Fernando A. Barrios - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:148096.
    Music reduces pain in fibromyalgia (FM), a chronic pain disease, but the functional neural correlates of music-induced analgesia (MIA) are still largely unknown. We recruited FM patients ( n = 22) who listened to their preferred relaxing music and an auditory control (pink noise) for 5 min without external noise from fMRI image acquisition. Resting state fMRI was then acquired before and after the music and control conditions. A significant increase in the amplitude of low frequency fluctuations of the BOLD (...)
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    Siep, L., Ikäheimo, H, Quante, M. (Eds.) (2021). Handbuch Anerkennung. Springer VS.Horacio Martín Sisto - 2023 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 68:229-234.
    In this review I present the approach, the structure and briefly the main ideas of the first chapters of this manual on recognition, chapters that are the ones that articulate the work. Synoptically, I then report the content of the articles that make up the book. The review ends with a brief assessment of the scope and importance of this manual for the subject it deals with, for its original presentation and the timeliness of its publication.
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    Husserl’s Diagrams and Models of Immanent Temporality.Horacio M. R. Banega - 2016 - Quaestiones Disputatae 7 (1):47-73.
    The aim of this article is to clarify how Husserl applies his formal ontology to the constitution of immanent temporality. By doing so, my objective is to unravel the relationships between the phases of this temporality that make up a unit—that is, the relationship between protentions and retentions and a proto-impression that gives rise to the temporal moment “now” in an experience of the immanent consciousness. In connection with this reconstruction, I will attempt to clarify Husserl’s definition of time as (...)
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  44. De la paradoja en el" todo vale" de Paul Feyerabend a la falacia de la falsa libertad.Horacio Bernardo - 2003 - A Parte Rei 25:7.
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  45. Filosofía en el Uruguay: actualidad y después.Horacio Bernardo - 2009 - A Parte Rei 66:16.
  46. Sociedad de la información y Estado. El e-gov en las provincias argentinas.Horacio Cao & Josefina Vaca - 2004 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 60.
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    Estrategias de ahorro de energía en Administraciones Municipales encaminadas a contribuir al Desarrollo Sustentable*(Strategies of energy saving in municipal administrations oriented to contribute with sustaining development).Martha Garza, Claudia Moreno, Ricardo Rodríguez, Daniel Zermeño & José Luis Abreu - 2009 - Daena 4 (2):243-277.
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    Curiosidades Tipográficas (El Estilo que Nació Invisible).Horacio Gorodischer - 2006 - Polis 1 (9):74-77.
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    Ética y posmodernidad.Sylvia Jaime Garza - 2006 - San Nicolás de las Gara, N.L., México: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
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  50. El proceso de la experiencia en la filosofía de John Dewey: acción inteligente, creativa y democrática.Horacio Héctor Mercau - 2012 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 21:91-124.
    John Dewey’s philosophy has the notion of experience as backbone. The following paper regards experience as a method for doing philosophy, and a compromise grounding the entire philosophical project made by Dewey. Experience allows connecting cognition and affection in a natural way. Smart researching and arts creationappreciation are two modes to guide the progress of experience to a deeper level of meaning and from its own resources. The ideal way (the general description) of making part of the experience –which is (...)
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